Minimal & Online Easter Basket Inspiration

Welcome! This is my first little kick off post for the motherhood and lifestyle portion I am adding to my blog! And I love Easter so I thought what a time to do so! Below, you will find a simple Easter basket inspiration collage with the links at the bottom! I absolutely love planning out Christmas, birthday and Easter gifts. I think gift giving is one of my top love languages ;) Speaking of giving, I love the meaning behind Easter too- that Jesus gave his life for us, and rose again, so that we might live eternally with Him! I got one little book for the kids about the meaning behind Easter and I am giving that to them early so we can talk about what Easter means!

The reason I decided to make this is because this year more than any- Easter is going to look very different for a lot of us, no church, no special meal with extended family, and no last minute shopping in store for Easter goodies. So I started researching my options online, without going to any stores and now I am never doing it any other way!

When starting out- I always try to find a mix of things that won’t just be thrown out after Easter is over. I love shopping small when possible too, so I threw in a few options for that. Since we are home a lot right now, I included a paper dinosaur for my (almost 4 yr old) son, Jaeden to paint, along with two new paint colors! He loves the Blue Truck books, so the Spring book completes his collection! Then with spring and summer around the corner I thought sunglasses would be super fun for both of them and something they can use and dress up with. Jaeden also loves lions and tigers right now, as well as rescue bots, so instead of a bunny I customized it to what he is into! Whereas Eden loves babies and animals so added a new baby and bunny to hers! I also use these totes after as well for room and closet organization so they are useful and again, not thrown out!

I hope you enjoy! And feel free to share and tag me if you like any of the ideas! At the bottom you will see what I also added to my order to stuff their eggs with for their egg hunt :)

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1 2* 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2 - She is sold out from the website I ordered her on ( for $32).

I wanted to share a few things I put inside the kiddies the eggs with so that we aren’t just loading them up with straight candy (they are 1 and 3 so a little sugar goes a long way)!

I ordered “punch balloons”, Annie’s fruit snacks, Annie’s bunny crackers, Mini PB crackers, Jelly beans, stickers, and Annie’s bunny cereal! I figured in Eden’s eggs I would put some cereal, crackers, and then in Jaeden’s the balloons, jelly beans, stickers and other snacks! got the snacky fillings, plastic eggs, and white basket stuffing online at Target as well! Side note: I am using little canvas bags for their egg hunt and hiding their baskets somewhere in the house for them to find Easter morning!

Lastly I want to share a few ideas on how we can still make Easter special even in times like these.

  1. Easter Egg Hunt

  2. Hide their baskets tell them to look for them when they wake up!

  3. Easter Attire at home! I love dressing my kids up for Easter so I still plan on having them wear their outfits for a bit and taking a few photos :)

  4. Family Church - Read an Easter Book with your littles, watch church online while they play with their new Easter goodies.

  5. Make a special meal together and eat together!

  6. Read the Easter story aloud for them to hear.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this! Would love to hear any feedback or ideas from you as well!

Have a Happy Easter, stay safe and positive!

xx, jenna

Luke 24:6-7

He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.